The dice stool: put your feet up on this
We’ve seen dice stools before, but this one was truly classy; a padded seat atop a base that had been pounded out from thin metal, a bit like an oil drum in lightweight cube form. It was about two feet square and our immediate reaction was: ‘ideal for resting your feet whilst you sit back and ponder that question card.’
We stumbled across it on our way back from a meeting with the development team in Ipswich, so we didn’t have the camera equipment to hand to properly do it justice! Its home was the shopfloor of Myriad & Mundford’s, an independent retailer in the small town of Mundford on the north side of Thetford Forest. We’d driven past loads of times but never ventured in – it turned out to be an extraordinary treasure-trove of vintage and rustic-styled homeware, crammed with stock and much more spacious than the store’s frontage and location would imply.
Thanks to the owners for cheerfully letting us take this snap, and for solving our birthday present headaches for the summer (we purchased a large wooden fish and a lantern made from a railway sleeper, since you’re asking).
We can’t tell you if the dice stool is still there, but pop in and have a look round if you’re ever in the area. They don’t have a website, but they’re on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Myriad-Mundfords/258398467617009
#best night in ever