It’s the All-New LOGO Second Edition!
This is a biggie for 2020 – all new questions and a refreshed design… a complete update of the much-loved family board game that’s a fixture in gazillions of homes across the UK!
The LOGO Board Game launched back in 2009. It’s been a regular in the top-ten lists ever since; it’s sold hundreds upon hundreds of thousands; it’s been a hit overseas, with country-specific versions available (hello Germany! Hello USA, and Australia!) and it’s spawned an equally fabulous selection of themed sibling games, from LOGO Best of Food, to LOGO Best of TV & Movies and Best of British.
So creating a new version has been a Big Deal for us. To say the least.
We’ve made small updates to the original cards over the years, of course – keeping up with (for example) changes in product colours or straplines where particular topic cards have become obsolete.
Clearly, though, there are limits to updating piecemeal like that. If you purchased your game way back in 2009, you might be frustrated by periodic out-of-date questions… but wouldn’t want to buy a newer game where the vast majority of questions hadn’t changed. (Although our accountants would probably appreciate it.) And, of course, regular players become familiar with questions over the years.
More fundamentally, the world has changed immensely since the original game launched. Many of the currently-biggest names are internet brands; TV ad campaigns have moved on; many previously-familiar High Street names are sadly now just memories. Although you can still buy Swizzels Drumsticks in their famous red-and-yellow wrappers.
So it was time to bite the bullet and get writing questions…
As many neighbourhood Zoom quizzers found during the dismal events of 2020, writing good questions isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. The first ten are a piece of cake; the next hundred perhaps less so. LOGO Second Edition has just short of four hundred cards, with four questions on each.
It’s not just that questions have to be checked, and then re-checked for accuracy – they each need a great deal of thought. Are they completely unambiguous? Will they stand the test of time? Is there a good balance between ‘challenging’ and ‘accessible’; will they be fun and interesting for ALL the family?
So we didn’t just have to write hundreds of new questions… we had to bin loads too, having ruthlessly chosen only the best ones. One of our core beliefs here is that we make games to be played and played again. Nobody likes a gift that doesn’t last beyond Boxing Day.
LOGO brings us an additional complication in that before we can so much as produce a single topic card, each and every graphic, title, brand name, strapline and logo itself has to be individually cleared with the copyright holders of that brand. Fortunately, we’ve got a reputation for being good people to deal with, and most of the people we speak to in this area also love the LOGO Board Game. So this didn’t cause too many problems - although you could have reasonably described the job as ‘admin-heavy.’
The rest of the changes? New packaging; a bit of sprucing-up of the graphics. But absolutely no gimmicks, and no chucking out of the baby with the bathwater. It’s still the LOGO that you know and love!
So – phew! We’re ready to go! The LOGO Board Game Second Edition has shipped and is in the shops now; colourful and cheerfully-sturdy boxes all ready to be wrapped for Christmas! If you’re an early-adopter, we’d love to hear what you think – use #LogoBoardGame to keep us posted.
#family visit alert!!! #from the games