Melanie's son: life with autism and the LOGO board game
One of the truly cool things about being a games manufacturer is that we make stuff that becomes a part of peoples’ lives.
At one level, games touch people by providing plain, simple fun. Don’t let’s undervalue fun! But there's often something slightly deeper involved. An hour of solid laughter over an after-dinner board game might have been the way you bonded with a new set of neighbours or friends; perhaps you have bitter-sweet memories of playing a particular game with your grandma, back in the day.
Occasionally we hear of something that makes us feel all warm – which is why we’ll point you towards US author Melanie D. Snitker’s blog, in which she recounts her son’s love of the LOGO board game.
Melanie’s son has autism, and something about the game has fascinated him. He knows the cards inside-out, and is collecting every version of the game that he can find (LOGO is a British product, but is licensed to other manufacturers all over the world). Essentially, he’s well on his way to becoming the world’s leading authority on the LOGO board game – we can envisage Drumond Park historians contacting him in decades to come.
We’ll leave the rest to Melanie – you’ll find her blog here.
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