From LOGO: Four (more) classic vintage TV Ads
We’ve been rifling through the LOGO question cards once more, to remind ourselves of all that’s great about the game.
There’s food and drink, lots of food and drink! Some from days gone by… and some that’s still very much at home in your cupboards. Football clubs, technology, familiar faces from the High Street. Stuff you remember, and stuff that’s very much ‘now’.
Basically, it’s the game of things you know and love. Which is why we wrote that in big letters on the box.
So for LOGO players everywhere, here are four more subtle clues to some of those rack-your-brainteasers – via the medium of some classic TV ads that you might recall...
For when you p..p..pick up that particular card...
*Points dramatically to office typewriter*… You’re fired!
This one parodies which film…?
And please stop doing this in the office.
Summon up any memories? Cos if you remember these ads, you'll be right at home with LOGO - the game of things you know and love!
The LOGO Board Game is available in all good toyshops, online and, indeed, all over the UK!