Rapidough - in their own words!
Guess too slow and you lose some dough!
What IS it that makes Rapidough such a winner, year after year?
Model something, so that your team-mates can guess what it is. (Against the clock, naturally. With the opposition trying to steal your precious dough.)
It’s simple, addictive and very funny – and, happily, gazillions of five-star customer reviews agree! We took a browse through those reviews to see what they told us about one of the UK’s perennially favourite games…
1) It’s a quick session of laughs… or a whole evening’s hilarity.
“Game lasted us about 30 minutes but would've happily gone again and again...”
2) And it’s got staying power!
“Hours and hours of endless fun that never fails to entertain the whole family...”
3) It gets the vote of that most difficult-to-please generation…
“Teenagers even ask to play it on sleepovers, so it must be good!”
4) …in fact, EVERY generation!
“Had the whole family in fits from a 7 year old to a 70 year old…”
5) It unleashes your artistic side!
“Got really competitive at times. Some of the models made were very creative - and led to some hilarious guesses…”
6) No artistic side? That’s often even funnier…
“This is a fun game but if you play with children you might split your sides laughing at what they produce…”
Above all, it’s just UTTER SILLY FUN FOR EVERYONE!
“We started being very polite and it rapidly descends into mayhem… fab fun!”
There you go – any age, any occasion… if you’re getting people together then Rapidough’s your entertainment sorted! Have a scan through those reviews yourself, and see what you think…