Wordsearch Junior: the game that brings generations together
It’s one of our quietly top-selling products ever. It’s racked up dozens and dozens of five-star reviews from parents, aunties and grandmas. But still we get asked…
How DO you make a Wordsearch game for children as young as four…?
Good question! Well, after a lot of play-testing across the generations, we came up with a solution that worked a dream. Three coloured levels, so that the game grows with the child. That's Wordsearch Junior... and here's an explanation.
We'll start off with:

The Blue Level – picture patterns
For the very youngest, this is a wordsearch… but with pictures! We use very familiar images – such as apples and bananas – to introduce the idea of discovering patterns within a grid.
Once your child’s ready to learn their letters, then it’s time for…

The Red Level – words and pictures
Like a traditional game, but using simple words that are coupled with pictures to help and prompt. Each set is themed (‘On the Farm’, ‘Around the House’ etc.) – and the player is asked to read each word out loud, to make sure that they understand.

Finally, there’s the Green Level – words only!
Just like those grown-up wordsearches! By now, kids will be proficient at spotting those letter patterns – and even given a vocabulary especially chosen for early readers, it’s likely that they’ll give the old ‘uns a run for their money when the game begins!
Wordsearch Junior is great fun, and has a wonderful cross-generational appeal (we always love seeing photos of children enjoying the game with grandma.)
Don’t just take our word for it… read the reviews here.
#kids corner